GID 100. Special Topics in Graphic + Interactive.3 Credits.

This course is only open to high school students in the QU Academy program. The content of this course is specialized and varies by semester and by section. A variety of topics in visual design may be covered. Students should consult the course description in the schedule for details on specific offerings.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed, All

GID 110. Design Research and Methods.3 Credits.

This foundation course in research methods for art and design introduces informed strategies for problem solving and prepares students for upper-level coursework in graphic and interactive design. Emphasis is placed on the role of critical thinking in the design process. Theoretical models of design analysis are introduced. Practical hands-on methods include visual research, design journals, thumbnail sketches, mind maps, storyboards, comprehensives, diagramming, prototyping, case studies, topic and content development and other forms of conceptualization.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

GID 161. Web Design I.3 Credits.

This course extends the knowledge and practice of visual design using professional-level software for the creation of web design in preparation for advanced coursework. Students produce course projects that demonstrate creativity, design concepts, critical thinking, aesthetic principles and basic technical competence.

Prerequisites: Take GID 110; and COM 130.
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

GID 200. Special Topics in Graphics and Interactive Design.3 Credits.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

GID 205. Visual Thinking: Practice and Process.4 Credits.

This course builds a foundation in visual thinking practices and cultivates a better understanding of the creative process. Students examine the ways in which images communicate meaning and how visual thinking can be used as an alternative to and enhancement of verbal and quantitative thinking. Insights and applications to different fields including psychology, art, medicine, literature and business are explored throughout. The study and practice of a variety of visual thinking techniques build the foundation for generating innovative concepts and developing personal creative and visual thinking practices. No previous art, design or drawing experience necessary.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

GID 210. Graphic Design History.3 Credits.

This course surveys the historical and cultural events, movements and achievements that laid the groundwork for the contemporary practices and products of graphic design. Through lecture, video, discussion, research and studio projects, students are introduced to the visual history, the innovators and the technologies that influenced and transformed the practices of visual communication.

Prerequisites: Take GID 110.
Offered: As needed

GID 250. Web Design II.3 Credits.

This intermediate web design course provides further study in current industry standards for UX/UI design. User experience and user interface methods are explored and practiced in addition to a grounding in information architecture processes and techniques. Websites are developed using responsive design requirements.

Prerequisites: Take GID 110 and GID 161
Offered: Every year, Spring

GID 270. Typography I.3 Credits.

This course enables the student to both understand type and to use it as a design element. Using current computer graphics technology, topics explored include the use of type, page layout, color and the importing of graphics. Using professional page layout software, students create projects that demonstrate both design aesthetics and technical skills. Finished pieces are printed and become part of the student's portfolio.

Prerequisites: Take COM 130; and GID 110.
Offered: Every year, Fall

GID 300. Special Topics in GID.3 Credits.

Prerequisites: Take GID 161 or COM 130.
Offered: As needed

GID 301. Motion Graphics I.3 Credits.

This course explores aesthetic, critical and technical topics in motion graphics and 2D animation. Students produce projects that demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 2D animation and motion graphics used in the field of design.

Prerequisites: Take GID 110 and GID 161.
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

GID 305. Digital Photography.3 Credits.

This course explores the aesthetic, critical and technical topics in the creation of photographic images. Through practice, research and critique, students develop the conceptual, technical and critical skills needed to create innovative photographic projects.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

GID 315. Mobile Interaction Design.3 Credits.

This course covers practical techniques for researching, designing and prototyping mobile applications and experiences. Some of the topics covered include wireframe creation, user studies and paper and digital prototyping.

Prerequisites: Take GID 301.
Offered: Every year, Spring

GID 370. Typography II.3 Credits.

This course picks up where GID 270 leaves off by instructing in advanced typographic design; the use of grid structures; juxtapositions of type and image; and preparation for offset printing. Using the current computer technology, students create projects that demonstrate both an advanced knowledge of design/typography and current digital production processes. Finished pieces are printed and become part of the student's professional portfolio.

Prerequisites: Take GID 270.
Offered: As needed

GID 399. Advanced Independent Studio Work in Graphic and Interactive Design.1-6 Credits.

Advanced independent studio work in graphic and interactive design.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

GID 400. Special Topics in GID.3 Credits.

Prerequisites: Take GID 301.
Offered: As needed

GID 410. Web Design III.3 Credits.

This course explores advanced aesthetic, critical and technical topics in website design, development, structure and information architecture. Students use problem-solving methods of design research and analysis combined with authoring and scripting environments to enhance design, interaction, usability and effective communication. Topics include current processes and technologies of web design and web standards. Senior status required.

Prerequisites: Take GID 250 and GID 301.
Offered: Every year, Fall

GID 416. Design Sprints.3 Credits.

The Google Sprint and Design Thinking Sprints are proven processes for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. Students will learn to facilitate product design sprints using these processes while experiencing a key role on an interdisciplinary, collaborative sprint team. This course covers facilitation best practices (remote, hybrid, and in-person) and a variety of sprint workshop methodologies and tools. Students complete a portfolio quality case-study of the sprint experience to use for employment purposes. All disciplines are welcome - you don't need to be a designer to become a great facilitator.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

GID 440. Motion Graphics II.3 Credits.

This course explores advanced aesthetic, critical and technical topics in motion graphics and animation. Topics include typography and motion graphic design and layout, editing digital video, and audio. Students use problem-solving methods of design research and analysis to produce digital video animations that demonstrate both knowledge and understanding of motion graphics, and that provide them with professional entry into the field.

Prerequisites: Take GID 301.
Offered: As needed

GID 480. Senior Seminar and Portfolio.3 Credits.

In this course, students consider critical issues in interactive design and prepare a portfolio, website, resume and other professional materials. For majors in graphic and interactive design. Senior status is required.

Prerequisites: Take GID 410.
Offered: Every year, Spring

GID 499. Advanced Independent Studio Work in Graphic and Interactive Design.3 Credits.

Advanced independent studio work in graphic and interactive design.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed