School of Business

203-582-8720 (central office)

Administrative Officers

Title Name Phone Email
Dean Holly Raider 203-582-7620
Associate Dean of Operations and Student Experience Richard McCarthy 203-582-8468
Associate Dean for Faculty Poonam Arora 203-582-7866
Associate Dean for Career Development Jill Koehler 203-582-3655
Assistant Dean D'Lisa McKee 203-582-7913 d'
Director of Student Services Kristen Hohmann 203-582-7673
Director of Operations for the School of Business Centers and Institutes Hanna Hejmowski 203-582-8737
Assistant Director of Student Services Kyle Trusch 203-582-7950
Assistant Director of Career Development David Bouton 203-582-7719


Department Chairperson Phone Email
Accounting Kathy Simione 203-582-8519
Business Analytics and Information Systems Kiku Jones 203-582-5040
Entrepreneurship, International Business and Strategy Robert Yawson 203-582-5023
Finance Surya Chelikani 203-582-3826
Management Julia Fullick-Jagiela 203-582-5034
Marketing and Biomedical Marketing Charles Brooks 203-582-8333

Career Development

In the School of Business, members of the Office of Career Development work with students to plan the academic and professional components of each student’s education. They explore career interests, guide students through a career development process and provide assistance with internships, resume preparation and employment interviews.

Internship Programs

Undergraduate business students are encouraged to gain valuable career experience by participating in an internship program. Both paid and unpaid internships in a range of industries are available on Handshake; however, students may find their internships by other means such as LinkedIn and other professional networking.

To register for an Internship for Credit course:

The Internship for Credit course requires advanced approval from the School of Business Career Development Office. Once a student has secured an internship, they must apply for an Internship for Credit on Handshake under the Experiences tab. Upon application approval, students are automatically enrolled in the General Business Internship course, SB 488. SB 488 is the academic course that must be taken during the same semester (or summer term) in which the student completes their internship. To assure flexibility in managing internships and coursework, SB 488 is an online course. There is no retroactive credit for prior internships.

Determination of credit hours:

One academic credit is awarded for every 50 hours of internship work, with a maximum up to 3 credits per semester or term, and unless a student is completing a double major, only 3 credits can be earned in a given semester for an internship experience. If an internship extends beyond the length of one semester, students may apply for SB 188 in the following semester to receive up to an additional 3 credits for the internship. A maximum 6 academic credits may be earned for internship experiences. Students who are completing a double major can earn up to 3 credits in each major (a total of 6 credits) for internship experiences.

For more information:

For more information please contact the Assistant Director of Career Development:

Mission Statement

The School of Business is a student-centered educational community focused on preparing students for achievement and leadership in their professional careers.


The development of our students as passionate learners and emerging professionals.

The impact of alumni, students and faculty in business and in the community.

Applied learning that integrates the classroom with meaningful and impactful activities such as internships, student competitions, faculty-student research, student consulting, and international opportunities (study abroad, student exchange, immersion experiences, internships).

The active support of faculty scholarship that emphasizes contributions to practice and pedagogy.

Mutually beneficial collaborations with the business community that advance the education of our students and the research of our faculty.

A collegial, respectful and responsible environment where members of the community act with integrity, honesty, fairness and tolerance.

Diversity in people and in ideas.

Learning Goals

Business Knowledge: Apply the basic business theories and concepts to understand and solve business problems.

Business Analytics: Effectively gather, assess and utilize data to understand, improve and communicate business decisions.

Communication: Communicate business ideas effectively through written communications, oral communications and presentations, and digital media.

Critical Thinking: Utilize information or research findings to analyze problems and determine appropriate solutions.

Business Ethics: Apply ethical frameworks to evaluate situations and determine appropriate solutions.

Cultural Adaptability: Recognize and apply knowledge and diversity within and across individuals and groups.

Professionalism: Exhibit professional behavior, including a strong work ethic in their classes, in their interactions with faculty, staff and colleagues, and in their team assignments.

Business Core Curriculum

The common requirements for graduation with the Bachelor of Science degree for all business majors include completion of the University Curriculum (that covers fundamental areas such as English, mathematics, science, social sciences, the humanities and the arts), the business core curriculum and the major requirements. The business core challenges each student to develop a knowledge and skill base for further study within the business disciplines, and the major requirements provide students with specialized knowledge within a field of business.

In addition to the traditional business core coursework in accounting, business law, economics, finance, international business, management and marketing, the school also offers a seminar designed to begin the professional development process required to be successful in today’s competitive business world.

AC 211Financial Accounting3
AC 212Managerial Accounting3
BLW 221Business Law and Society3
CIS 101Introduction to Information Systems3
EC 111Principles of Microeconomics3
EC 112Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 272Advanced Applied Statistics3
FIN 201Fundamentals of Financial Management3
IB 201Globalization and International Business3
MG 205Organizational Management3
MG 211Operations and Supply Chain Management3
MK 201Marketing Principles3
SB 101The Business Environment3
SB 250Career Planning and Development1
SB 420Strategic Management Integrated Seminar3
Total Credits43

University Curriculum for School of Business

Foundations of Inquiry (four classes = 12 credits)

FYS 101First-Year Seminar3
EN 101Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing3
EN 102Academic Writing and Research3
MA 170Probability and Data Analysis3
Total Credits12

Disciplinary Inquiry (four classes = 13 credits)

In the “Disciplinary Inquiry” phase of the University Curriculum, students make their first encounters with specific knowledge and methodologies in the disciplinary areas. This phase familiarizes students with the kinds of knowledge produced in these disciplinary areas and thus informs their choices as they undertake their “Personal Inquiry.” Additionally, students are proceeding upon their Personal Quest as they take these and all breadth courses, including reflection upon their Guiding Question.

Students select EC 111 and one course from each of the remaining disciplinary areas as follows:

  • Natural Sciences: any 4-credit UC science course

  • Humanities: any 3-credit UC humanities course

  • Social Sciences: EC 111

  • Fine Arts: any 3-credit UC fine arts course

Personal Inquiry (six classes = minimum 18 credits)

The “Personal Inquiry” (PI) phase requires 18 credits with at least three Disciplinary Inquiry areas represented. This allows students significant flexibility in the selection of coursework as they pursue their Guiding Questions. The Personal Inquiry requirement has two parts:

Part 1 (three courses): In addition to those selected under Disciplinary Inquiry above, students select EC 112 from the Social Sciences and a course from two of the remaining disciplinary areas: Natural Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts.

Part 2 (three courses): The remaining courses are IB 201 and any two other UC courses from the disciplinary areas in Part 1 and/or UC Breadth Electives. Students can combine Disciplinary Inquiry areas and UC Breadth Electives in any pattern that totals 9 to 12 credits. [Note: Natural science courses that are treated by the Registrar as two separate courses (lecture and lab) shall be treated as one course for the purposes of the PI requirement. Students could thus take up to four lecture-lab pairings in the PI.]

Integrative Capstone Experience (one course = 3 credits)

The Integrative Capstone is offered in the School of Business. Students select an additional unrestricted course in the University Curriculum.

Intercultural Understanding (one course = minimum 3 credits)

As students purposefully select courses and progress through the Breadth part of the curriculum, it is imperative that all students develop the skills, knowledge and diverse perspectives necessary to address the complexity of their Guiding Questions, and to acquire the understanding necessary to be informed and ethical citizens who can contribute to the local and global society.

To achieve this goal, within their 31 breadth component credits students are required to take at least 3 credits in classes marked as “I” (Intercultural Understanding). The classes with “I” designation can be chosen from any area in Disciplinary and/or Personal Inquiry.

University Curriculum Breadth Electives (formerly called UC “Electives”)

University Curriculum (UC) Breadth Electives are courses with generalizable and transferrable knowledge that are based in a single academic discipline outside of the four Disciplinary Inquiry areas (Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Fine Arts) or that reflect nationally established interdisciplinary areas. Such courses increase the disciplinary, methodological and cultural perspectives available to students in the University Curriculum, thereby extending the breadth of their knowledge to navigate successfully a complex and dynamic world.

Natural Sciences

AN 104LBones, Genes and Everything Lab In Between Lab1
AN 104Bones, Genes and Everything In Between3
BIO 101HHonors General Biology I3
BIO 101General Biology I3
BIO 101LGeneral Biology I Lab1
BIO 101HLHonors General Biology I Lab1
BIO 102HHonors General Biology II3
BIO 102General Biology II3
BIO 102LGeneral Biology Lab II1
BIO 104Fundamental Life Processes3
BIO 104LFundamental Life Processes Lab1
BIO 106Science and Society: Concepts and Current Issues3
BIO 106LScience and Society: Concepts and Current Issues Lab1
BIO 107Everyday Biology3
BIO 107LEveryday Biology Lab1
BIO 120The Biology of Beer3
BIO 125Cross My Heart: An Introduction to the Human Cardiovascular System3
BIO 128LGlobal Health Challenges Lab1
BIO 128Global Health Challenges: a Human Perspective3
BIO 150LGeneral Biology for Majors Laboratory
BIO 150General Biology for Majors4
BIO 151Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics4
BIO 151LMolecular and Cell Biology and Genetics Lab
BIO 161Introduction to the Biological Aspects of Science and Society3
BIO 202Inside Out: An Introduction to Human Form and Function3
BIO 203How Drugs Affect Your Body3
BIO 203LHow Drugs Affect Your Body Lab1
BIO 205Bioethics3
BIO 207Coral Reef Organismal Diversity - An Immersive Approach3
BIO 208Introduction to Forensic Science3
BIO 208LIntroduction to Forensic Science Lab Science Laboratory1
BIO 282Genetics3
BIO 282LGenetics Lab1
BMS 117The Human Organism3
BMS 117LThe Human Organism Lab1
BMS 162Human Health and Disease3
BMS 200Biomedical Basis and Experience of Human Aging3
CHE 101Fundamentals of General, Organic and Biological Chemistry I3
CHE 101LFundamentals of General, Organic and Biological Chemistry I Lab1
CHE 102Fundamentals of General, Organic and Biological Chemistry II3
CHE 102LFundamentals of General, Organic and Biological Chemistry II Lab1
CHE 110General Chemistry I3
CHE 110LGeneral Chemistry I Lab1
CHE 111LGeneral Chemistry II Lab1
CHE 111General Chemistry II3
ENV 120Foundations of Biology and Chemistry,Exploring Your Environment3
ENV 120LFoundations of Biology and Chemistry Lab,Exploring Your Environment Lab1
ENV 205Global Environmental Issues3
ENV 223Plastics - Miracle Or Curse.3
ENV 225Water and Human Health3
PHY 101Elements of Physics3
PHY 101LElements of Physics Lab1
PHY 105Physics of Music3
PHY 105LPhysics of Music Lab1
PHY 107Introduction to Astronomy3
PHY 110LGeneral Physics I Lab1
PHY 110General Physics I3
PHY 111General Physics II3
PHY 111LGeneral Physics II Lab1
PHY 121University Physics4
PHY 122University Physics II4
SCI 102LEarth Sciences Lab1
SCI 102Earth Sciences3
SCI 105Chemistry and Nutrition3
SCI 105LChemistry and Nutrition Lab1
SCI 161Nutrition: an Investigative Experience3
SCI 261Natural Disasters3
SCI 270Environmental Geology3

Social Sciences

AN 101Local Cultures, Global Issues3
AN 103Dirt, Artifacts and Ideas3
AN 210Gender/Sex/Sexuality3
AN 230Sustainable Development3
AN 233Practicing Archaeology3
AN 237Health and Medicine Around the World3
AN 240Ethnography: Learning from Others3
AN 242Cannabis Culture3
AN 243Ancient Food For Thought3
CJ 101Crime and Society3
CJ 232Women in the Criminal Justice System3
CJ 241Police and Policing3
CJ 250Youth Crime3
CJ 261Prisons and Jails3
EC 101Chocolate, Cheating and Climate Change - Everyday Economics3
EC 111Principles of Microeconomics3
EC 112Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 112HHonors Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 206Urban Economics3
ED 250Diversity, Dispositions and Multiculturalism3
ED 253Higher Education in Prison: Teaching and Learning in the Carceral Setting3
ENV 209Environmental Politics and Policy3
ENV 230Sustainable Development3
ENV 233Practicing Archaeology3
ENV 243Ancient Food For Thought3
GP 101Introduction to Geography3
GP 222Environmental Geography and Culture3
GT 263Aging in Society3
IB 105International Business Environment3
IB 201Globalization and International Business3
JS 101Introduction to Justice Studies3
PO 101Introduction to Political Science3
PO 131HIntroduction to American Government3
PO 131Introduction to American Government and Politics3
PO 205Public Policy and Administration3
PO 206Ethics and Public Policy3
PO 209Environmental Politics and Policy3
PO 211Introduction to International Relations3
PO 215Political Theory3
PO 216American Political Thought3
PO 219Feminist Political Thought3
PO 221Introduction to Latin America3
PO 227The Politics of Intimacy3
PO 231Elections and Political Parties (SL: Service Learning)3
PO 245Politics of Global Capitalism3
PO 247Actors and Processes in U.S. Foreign Policy3
PO 280Congress and the President3
PO 313Development, Globalization and Colonialism3
PO 334Politics and Governance in Africa3
PS 101Introduction to Psychology3
PS 101HHonors Introduction to Psychology3
PS 210Human Sexuality3
PS 232The Concept of Personality and Its Development3
PS 234Adult Development & Aging3
PS 236Child and Adolescent Development3
PS 244Psychology of Prejudice3
PS 261Social Psychology3
PS 262Psychology of Women and Gender3
PS 265Psychology in the Workplace3
PS 272Psychopathology3
PS 284LGBTQ Identities and Communities3
SO 101Introduction to Sociology3
SO 101HHonors Introduction to Sociology3
SO 201Sociological Theory3
SO 203How to Get Rich:Sociology in Action3
SO 225Social Problems3
SO 232Women in the Criminal Justice System3
SO 241Sociology of Race and Ethnicity3
SO 241HHonors Sociology of Race and Ethnicity3
SO 244Race, Gender and Class: Social Inequalities3
SO 244HRace, Gender and Class: Social Inequalities3
SO 250Youth Crime3
SO 255Sociology of Families3
SO 260Social Control and Deviance3
SO 263Aging in Society Of Aging3
SO 265Work and Occupations,Sociology of Work3
SO 266Population and Society3
SO 280Sociology of Health and Illness3
SO 285Protest and Social Change3
SS 139Study Abroad3
WGS 210Human Sexuality3
WGS 219Feminist Political Thought3
WGS 232Women in the Criminal Justice System3
WGS 255Sociology of Families3
WGS 262Psychology of Women and Gender3
WGS 265Work, Careers, and You3
WGS 285Protest and Change3


ARB 210Arab Culture and Society3
ARB 220Love in Medieval Arabic Literature3
CN 210Chinese Culture and Civilization3
ED 252Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias Through The Lens of Empathy: Broadening Perspective Through Literature for Children and Young Adults3
ED 260Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education3
EN 204Reading Literature3
EN 208Greek Tragedy3
EN 209Love Stories3
EN 210The Art of Poetry3
EN 212The Personal Essay3
EN 213Nature Writing3
EN 215The Travel Essay3
EN 220The Short Story As a Genre3
EN 222Comics and Graphic Novels3
EN 223Hippies, Punks and Rude Boys3
EN 230Carbon Tales3
EN 235Literature by Women3
EN 240Survey of English Literature I3
EN 241Medieval Romances3
EN 250Survey of English Literature II3
EN 255The Supernatural in 19th Century British Literature3
EN 260Survey of American Literature I3
EN 265Black Writers in and Beyond the US3
EN 270Survey of American Literature II3
EN 277Literature of the Americas3
EN 280The European Tradition in Literature I3
EN 281The European Tradition in Literature II3
ENV 213The Nature Essay3
ENV 221American Environmental History3
ENV 226Environmental Ethics3
ENV 238Philosophy of Technology, Environment and Social Transformation3
ENV 282Global Environmental History3
GR 210Introduction to German Culture3
HS 111The Rise of the West3
HS 112The West in the World3
HS 122Modern World History3
HS 131U.S. History to 18773
HS 132U.S. History Since Reconstruction3
HS 208Twentieth-Century World History3
HS 209Twentieth-Century Europe3
HS 210Contemporary America3
HS 210HHonors Contemporary America3
HS 211Popular Culture in American History3
HS 213The Roman World3
HS 214Ancient Greek History3
HS 219Colonial America and the Atlantic World3
HS 224The Real Housewives of the Early Modern World3
HS 225Scotland: Macbeth to Bonnie Prince Charlie3
HS 227Russian Cultural and Intellectual History3
HS 228Twentieth-Century Russia3
HS 229Irish History3
HS 230The Rise of Modern Science3
HS 231The World of Tudor/Stuart Britain3
HS 232The Rise and Fall of the British Empire3
HS 235Blood and Revolution in China/Asian Studies3
HS 236Japan's Modern Empire/Asian Studies3
HS 241African-American Experiences to Reconstruction3
HS 242African-American Experience Since Reconstruction3
HS 254Colonial Latin America3
HS 270The East Is Red: Communism in Asia3
HS 271Monks, Kings and Rebels: Mainland Southeast Asia3
HS 274Modern India3
HS 282Global Environmental History3
HS 286Introduction to Medieval Europe3
HS 292History of Ai in Human Imagination3
HS 294Quebec: History and Culture3
HS 335Empire and Epidemics3
HS 373Latin American Cultures I3
HS 374Latin American Cultures II3
HSP 205Puerto Rican Culture3
HSP 210The Culture and Civilization of Spain3
HSP 221Masterpieces of Spanish Literature3
HSP 373Latin American Cultures I3
HSP 374Latin American Cultures II3
IRST 101Introduction to Irish Studies3
IRST 150Irish Myths and Legends3
IT 210Italy: A Journey Through its Food, History and Culture (in Eng.)3
IT 212Florence and the Making of the Renaissance (in Eng.)3
JP 210Introduction to Japanese Culture3
LE 101HHonors Introduction to the American Legal System3
LE 101Introduction to the American Legal System3
LE 233Law for Everyday Life3
MSS 220Media, History and Memory3
PL 101HHonors Introduction to Philosophy3
PL 101Introduction to Philosophy3
PL 102Introduction to Ethics3
PL 102HHonors Introduction to Ethics3
PL 103Logical Reasoning3
PL 226Environmental Ethics3
PL 236Philosophy of Language3
PL 237Philosophy of Mind3
PL 240Philosophy of Sport3
PL 242Ancient Philosophy3
PL 243Modern Philosophy3
PL 250Philosophy of Art3
PL 255Ethics and Artificial Intelligence3
PL 266Global Philosophies3
PL 267Philosophy of Religion3
PL 334Medieval Philosophy3
PL 335Contemporary Philosophy3
PL 338Paradoxes3
PO 242Ancient Philosophy3
SP 205Puerto Rican Culture3
SP 210The Culture and Civilization of Spain3
SP 221Masterpieces of Spanish Literature3
SP 343Culture of Spain3
SP 373Latin American Cultures I3
SP 374Latin American Cultures II3
WGS 235Literature by Women3

Fine Arts

AR 101Introduction to Art3
AR 102Art History: Ancient Through Medieval3
AR 102HHonors Art History I3
AR 103Art History: Renaissance Through Contemporary3
AR 103HArt History: Renaissance Through Contemporary3
AR 104Survey of Non-Western Art3
AR 105American Art3
AR 140Basic Visual Design3
AR 158Photography I3
AR 175Special Topics in Art History3
AR 175HHonors -Special Topics in Art History3
AR 210The Creative Process3
AR 212Abstract Art3
AR 240Graphic Design3
AR 241Color Theory3
AR 242Cartooning3
AR 250Studio Art: Special Topic3
AR 251Studio Art: Drawing3
AR 252Studio Art: Painting3
AR 253Studio Art: Sculpture3
AR 254Studio Art: Printmaking3
AR 257Ap Studio Art Introduction to Studio Methods3
AR 258Photography II3
AR 262Studio Art: Watercolor3
AR 263Studio Art: Collage3
AR 264Pastel Drawing3
AR 271Artificial Intelligence and Art3
AR 300Special Topics in Art History3
AR 303Studio Art: Advanced Drawing3
AR 304Studio Art: Advanced Painting3
AR 305Special Topics in Studio Art3
AR 317Art of the Italian Renaissance3
AR 325Women Artists3
AR 335Digital Photography3
AR 360Innovation in the Arts and Sciences3
AR 380Interactive Art3
DR 101Understanding Theater3
DR 140Stagecraft3
DR 150Performance Fundamentals3
DR 160Acting I3
DR 161Acting II3
DR 170Introduction to Playwriting: The Ten-Minute Play3
DR 181Improvisational Acting3
DR 200Special Topics3
DR 205Theater for Young Audiences3
DR 207Drafting and Rendering for Theater3
DR 220Voice and Movement3
DR 221Voice and Diction3
DR 230Directing I3
DR 235Musical Theater Performance3
DR 240Scenic Design3
DR 241Lighting Design for the Theater3
DR 242Costume Design3
DR 245Dance for the Musical Theater3
DR 250Stage Management3
DR 257Design for the Theater3
DR 260Acting for Film/Tv3
DR 261Auditioning for the Actor3
DR 270World Theater History and Dramatic Literature I3
DR 271Theater Administration3
DR 275World Theater History and Dramatic Literature II3
DR 276History and Dramatic Literature of the Contemporary Theater3
DR 282Landscapes and Lenses3
DR 286Script Analysis3
DR 288From Script to Stage3
DR 290Acting for Classical Stage3
DR 305Theater for Young Audiences3
DR 307Drafting and Rendering for Theater3
DR 335Musical Theater Performance3
DR 340Scenic Design3
DR 341Lighting Design for the Theater3
DR 342Costume Design3
DR 345Dance for the Musical Theater3
DR 350Playwriting: The Ten-Minute Play3
DR 360Acting II3
DR 375History and Dramatic Literature of the Contemporary Theater3
DR 380Theater Administration3
FTM 102Understanding Film3
FTM 320History of Film I (to 1975)3
FTM 322History of Film (and Television) II3
GDD 140Creativity and Computation3
IT 211Italian Cinema (in Eng.)3
JRN 205Photojournalism Fundamentals3
MU 110Private Music Lessons1
MU 130HHonors Understanding Music3
MU 130Understanding Music3
MU 150American Popular Music: From the Blues to Hip Hop3
MU 150HHonors: American Popular Music: From the Blues to Hip Hop3
MU 175Special Topics in Music3
MU 190Quinnipiac University Singers1
MU 191Quinnipiac Chamber Orchestra1
MU 194Jazz Ensemble1
MU 200Special Topics3
MU 211HHonors History of Jazz3
MU 211History of Jazz3
MU 213Music of the 20th Century3
MU 230Music Theory I3
MU 250Music and Human Identity3
MU 280Music and Our Life's Work4
MU 330Music Theory II3
WGS 288From Script to Stage3

Policy for Students Who Fail FYS 101

First-year students who are entering the university in the fall semester who withdraw from or fail to receive a passing grade for FYS 101 during that semester are given one chance to repeat the course during the first spring semester that they are enrolled at Quinnipiac. If they fail to complete the course successfully on a second attempt, they may not take FYS 101 again. They may not withdraw from the course on the second attempt. The failing student receives no credit for FYS 101, the failing grade (F) remains and they must substitute 3 credits from any other UC-designated course to count toward required general education credits.

FYS 101 Policy for Transfer Students

A student who transfers to Quinnipiac with less than sophomore standing (fewer than 27 credits) shall enroll in FYS 101 in their first semester at Quinnipiac. Students who transfer to Quinnipiac with 27 or more credits must substitute any UC-designated course for FYS 101, to count toward the general education credits needed to graduate. They also will complete a series of self-guided online modules by the start of their second semester at Quinnipiac, designed to ensure students successfully complete their remaining general education requirements and prepare for the integrative capstone experience.