Technology Centers
Quinnipiac has three technology centers, one on each campus:
Mount Carmel - located in the Arnold Bernhard Library
North Haven - located on the third floor of the Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences building, MNH-338
York Hill - located in the Student Center
The technology centers at Quinnipiac combine the services of computer and audio/visual support. They provide a wide range of services to students, faculty and staff, including computer configuration, diagnosis, limited computer repair, loaner laptops and peripherals, network printing/scanning/copying support, audio/visual event and classroom support as well as loaner audio/visual equipment.
Loaner laptops are available for all faculty, staff and currently enrolled students. The loaner laptop program is strictly for academic use and is designed for short-term loans while a university-required laptop (either personal or obtained through the laptop program) is out of service for repair.
Telephone Extensions
Main Support: 203-582-4357
Associate Director of Client Services: 203-582-8240