Campus Life 

Any advertisement (including all fliers, signs, posters, banners or announcements) must be approved by the Department of Campus Life prior to posting. Signage, fliers, posters and banners that are posted without approval will be taken down and discarded. 

  • Advertisements may be submitted for review to CHSC-216, or the Information Desk in the Rocky Top Student Center lobby. 

  • A staff assistant will post the advertisement for you once approved. 

  • Advertisements must state the name of the sponsoring individual, organization and/or department. 

  • Approved advertisements will be displayed for no more than two weeks, unless approved by the Department of Campus Life. 

  • No more than 4 advertisements may be posted at one time in the Carl Hansen Student Center. No more than 2 advertisements may be posted at one time in the Rocky Top Student Center. Only one banner per group/person/area may be hung in each of the student centers. 

  • The maximum size for a flier, sign, poster or announcement is 18 by 24 inches. The maximum size for a banner is 6 feet by 4 feet. 

  • Banners will be hung by Campus Life staff in the Carl Hansen Student Center, 2nd floor railings of the East Dining wing, overlooking the cafe; or in the Rocky Top Student Center, 3rd floor, overlooking the information booth and main entrance; or on the North Haven Campus in the Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences building 2nd floor overlooking the stairs to the cafeteria. Banners will not be posted in any other area. 

The Department of Campus Life reserves the right to deny the posting of any flier, sign, poster, banner or announcement, at any time, for any reason. This includes, but is not limited to, those which promote: 

  • The use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco products 

  • Off-campus housing unless approved by Residential Life or Graduate Student Affairs

  • Medical studies or medicines of any kind unless approved by Quinnipiac University 

  • Non-Quinnipiac degree and/or certificate programs of study 

  • The active or potential violation of any laws or university policies 

Residence Halls 

All postings in university residence halls must be approved by the Office of Residential Life prior to posting. All postings must display the sponsoring campus organizations, must be removed after the event date and may not be posted on any glass surface.