Communications and Computing & Engineering Building

Ed McMahon Communications Center, Lender building

203-582-8492 (central office)

 Graduate Programs

Title Name Phone Email
Graduate Program Director, Cinematic Production Management Blythe Frank 203-582-7624
Graduate Program Director, Interactive Media and Communications John Powers 203-582-7939
Graduate Program Director, Journalism and Sports Journalism Ben Bogardus 203-582-3417
Graduate Program Director, Public Relations Laura Willis 203-582-7805

School Overview

The School of Communications offers master’s degrees in cinematic production management, interactive media and communications, journalism, public relations and sports journalism. The school also has well-established relationships with more than 1,000 private and nonprofit communications organizations, offering advanced students internship opportunities in professional settings. Students are encouraged to explore and advance their educational and professional interests while gaining the critical practical experience and training to develop a portfolio of work before they graduate.

To assist in the twin goals of offering our faculty a high-level view of innovations in the media world as well as offering our students high-quality internships and post-graduation employment, the school has created the Alumni Advisory Board, consisting of media leaders and executives.

On campus, students work in one of the finest university media education facilities in the Northeast — the Ed McMahon Communications Center. The center features a spacious, professional-level, all-digital 4K television studio; a media innovation classroom; 4K collaborative editing suites; and a 7.1 surround sound screening theater. The center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including numerous iMac stations running the latest applications for post-production and animation. It includes an automated podcast studio, and is staffed with highly skilled media professionals to instruct and assist our students. Additional classrooms and labs, along with the Quinnipiac University Podcast Studio, the Open-Air Production Studio, "The Agency" (a student-run integrated communications agency offering design, advertising and public relations services to clients), a design studio, a Remote Equipment Depot, the "Hub" student computer center and independent study facilities are located in the Communications and Computing & Engineering building, which also houses the school's faculty and administrative offices.

Graduate Studies

Policy on Length of Time to Complete a Graduate Degree

A student enrolled in a School of Communications graduate program has six years to complete the degree requirements, starting with the beginning of the semester the student was matriculated. 

A student administratively withdrawn by the university must reapply for readmission. Readmission to the student’s program is not guaranteed. All students who are readmitted after an administrative withdrawal must comply with degree program requirements in effect at the time of readmission. 

A student who has an approved academic leave of absence does not have to reapply if they return at the conclusion of the leave of absence, but the period while on academic leave will count toward the six-year period to complete the degree. Time spent away from the university during an approved medical or military leave of absence will not count toward the six-year period. 

Cinematic Production Management (FTM)

FTM 501. Production Reconstruction.3 Credits.

This class will teach and expand students' understanding of all aspects of prepping a feature film through lectures, experiential role-playing and weekly assignments. Students will analyze a produced film and will "recreate" all the steps to get into production including scheduling and budgeting through the use of industry standard software.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

FTM 502. Advanced Production Management Workflow,Keys to the Production Office.3 Credits.

Students gain an overview of studio, independent, broadcast and streaming platforms content and management workflow needs. Contemporary practices in pre-production and production are stressed. Students pre-produce an episodic television show from the perspective of various production personnel and hold production meetings to gain an understanding of the pre-production and production process workflow for theatrical, TV episodic, TV situation comedy and documentary production including interactions with talent agencies and union signatory contracts.,Students gain an understanding of the day-to-day and week-to-week workflow in the Production Office from opening the office to the start of principal photography. Detailed "how to" information provides an overview of the full scope of the industry and functions as a map for Production Office operations, including how the office supports the process of creating a film or show, how to organize production files, deliver production reports and forms, and execute proper etiquette and protocols for daily tasks.

Prerequisites: None

FTM 503. Creative Development.3 Credits.

Students learn to shape stories for the screen and gain a comprehensive understanding of concept development, dramatic structuring, character development and dialogue. They learn the mechanics involved in the development of new projects, including script coverage, sourcing material, script notes, creative meetings, packaging a project, and how to effectively navigate the development journey.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

FTM 505. Entertainment Law and Deal Making Practice.3 Credits.

Students gain an overview of contemporary entertainment law in regards to production including options, contracts, negotiations, copyright, IP, and licensing. Topics covers include how a producer protects themselves legally, find representation, and how to close deals.

Prerequisites: None

FTM 508. Worldwide Sales, Marketing And Distribution.3 Credits.

Students gain an overview of domestic and international sales and distribution, including insight into film festivals and markets, and the importance of an effective marketing campaign.

Prerequisites: None

FTM 510. Post-Production Workflow.3 Credits.

Students gain an overview of post-production management including: staff roles and post production responsibilities, data storage and management, directors and authors rights and responsibilities to final cut, licensing, graphics and titling.

Prerequisites: None

FTM 511. Film Finance Models.3 Credits.

This class is an overview of film, television and streaming finance models. Emphasis is on finance for the independent film market as well as productions involving the participation of major Hollywood production entities and/or broadcast and streaming platforms. Students create a finance model and business plan for a viable project.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

FTM 516. Screenwriting Craft & Workshop.3 Credits.

This course focuses on advanced screenwriting skills and techniques for both feature films and television. Students will practice the rules of storytelling, dialogue, character development, and what makes a script actually sell.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

FTM 520. Line Producing.3 Credits.

Building on the foundational work students have learned in FTM 501, this class does a deeper dive into line producing skills including a strong emphasis on budgeting techniques and strategies, working with heads of departments and producers, and managing relationships and a budget throughout production.

Prerequisites: Take FTM 501.
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

FTM 601. Graduate Thesis,Production Management Thesis Production.6 Credits.

Students create a viable pitch package with supporting production management materials, or engage in a collaborative production-based project with specified parameters.,Students polish their screenplay to final draft, schedule and budget their script, finalize their look book and produce a three to four scene sizzle reel of their script. Thesis Paper on topic of film required.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Summer

Interactive Media and Communications Courses (ICM)

ICM 500. Special Topics in Interactive Media.3 Credits.

The subject matter for this course varies depending on industry and professional trends.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

ICM 501. Foundations in Graduate Studies.3 Credits.

A sequence of readings, practices and exercises introduces the students to the "deep work" required of master's-level study. Through structured discussions, presentations, projects and readings, students build the knowledge base and critical skills required to formulate methodological research and practice across media. Each student sets up a portfolio site for the collection of research and practice artifacts created throughout the master's coursework.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

ICM 502. Visual Design.3 Credits.

This course covers the principles and practices associated with graphic design as a way to make complex information easier to understand and use. With a primary focus on typography as the fundamental means of conveying content, the course emphasizes the creative process of organizing and visualizing type and images through hierarchy, spatial organization of grid structures, positive and negative space, depth perception, transparency, and color theory. Readings locate design and typography within the larger history of visual art and graphic design and in relation to technology developments. Students who majored in GID at Quinnipiac as undergraduates, or those with professional graphic design experience should choose another course.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring and Summer

ICM 504. Motion Across Media.3 Credits.

This course covers the concepts of motion design across multiple platforms. Students are challenged to analyze and create effective animations using the entire design process, including research, preproduction, storyboarding, and production techniques. Analysis of navigation, storytelling, visual design, and message delivery inform the application of methods. The focus is on communicating ideas to the audience effectively through motion in its many forms, whether on desktops, smart phones, tablets, or kiosks.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Summer

ICM 505. Web Technologies.3 Credits.

This course introduces the foundational techniques of creating web-based content. Through a series of exercises, participants learn how interactive networks are organized, where to find the information necessary to create standards-based systems, and gain elementary experience designing and building sites.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring and Summer

ICM 506. Writing for Interactive Media.3 Credits.

Good writing skills are a necessity for professional communication in spite of the changing media landscape. In this course students create, develop and hone a distinct written voice within varied media environments. Much of professional media work involves creating a consistent voice or presence for a person, organization or company. Participants focus on how to accomplish (or enhance) this process using effective compositional techniques.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, All

ICM 508. Audio and Video Design.3 Credits.

This course covers the aesthetic and technical principles and practices used to create video and audio content for cross platform and device delivery. Effective storytelling and message delivery concepts are emphasized while exploring various production techniques including storyboarding, script, an introduction to audio production, cinematography, lighting, interviewing, editing, and effective media distribution.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, All

ICM 512. Principles of User Experience Design.3 Credits.

This course explores the ever-changing processes and methods of user experience design. The Human-Centered Design and Design Thinking process are studied through readings and hands-on projects that cover empathy, the psychology of the user, problem definition, and ideation methods.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

ICM 513. Content Strategy.3 Credits.

Content is critical in today's media landscape, but without a strategic plan, it can remain invisible to the audience you wish to reach. In this course, students learn the best ways to design and implement a content strategy to engage a targeted audience. They are immersed in the planning for the creation and distribution of engaging stories and information. Students become content strategy practitioners who know how to use words, pictures, video, and social and mobile media to build an audience and communicate value.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

ICM 514. Understanding Your Audience.3 Credits.

Usability is the study of discrepancies between expected and actual user behavior. The course introduces students to empirical user research methods such as contextual inquiry, ethnographic studies, card sorting, and cognitive walkthroughs, that provide the foundation for user-centered interaction and communications design. In addition, students conduct effective usability tests, interviews, and surveys.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

ICM 516. Design Sprints.3 Credits.

The Google Sprint and Design Thinking Sprints are proven processes for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. Students will learn to facilitate product design sprints using these processes while experiencing a key role on an interdisciplinary, collaborative sprint team. This course covers facilitation best practices (remote, hybrid, and in-person) and a variety of sprint workshop methodologies and tools. Students complete a portfolio quality case-study of the sprint experience to use for employment purposes. All disciplines are welcome - you don't need to be a designer to become a great facilitator.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

ICM 517. Ideation, Prototyping and Testing.3 Credits.

Ideation, prototyping and testing teaches students how to use low and high-fidelity sketching, information architecture, flowcharts, wireframes, user interface design, and functional prototypes for a variety of design problems. Through a series of creative projects, students learn various methods for each of these steps in the development of design products.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring and Summer

ICM 518. Visual Storytelling.3 Credits.

The course provides an introduction to the concept of visual storytelling and immerses students in the theory and practice of creating and delivering visual narratives in digital environments. The course includes both the history of visual storytelling as well as contemporary approaches used in a variety of information related disciplines. Students analyze examples of work and apply that knowledge to create their own visual narratives

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

ICM 522. Social Media Practice and Techniques.3 Credits.

The widespread use of social media in society has created a communications environment built on platforms that encourage contribution and collaboration through user-created media and interaction. This course explores the underlying concepts, development and management of social media platforms as well as the creation of effective approaches to facilitate a viable social media presence.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

ICM 524. Social Media Analytics.3 Credits.

This course gives students a working knowledge of the social media analytics process and analytics tools, along with their application to communications objectives within real-world situations.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Summer

ICM 526. Social Media for the Public Good.3 Credits.

Social media has transformed the way individuals, groups, organizations, and cultures share information and relate to one another, and its potential harmful effects continue to be documented and studied. But are there ways social media could have a positive impact in our world? Students will dig deep into ways social media can help promote healthy movements, campaigns, relationships, and well-being. Through research and practice, students will begin to develop constructive steps for a more productive, values-based, and sensitive future for social media.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

ICM 528. Content Creation.3 Credits.

In this course, we explore the creation of engaging content. Students are guided through the process of planning and creating a suite of related projects in the medium(s) of their choice (writing, video, audio, image making.) The focus is on the conceptual processes and practices used in developing a unique and persuasive body of work to be distributed across mediums. Areas of interest are researched and then developed into a series of related pieces.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring and Summer

ICM 529. Data Visualization.3 Credits.

This is a course in finding and telling visual stories from data. Students explore fundamental principles of data analysis and visual techniques, examine chart types and when to use them, and learn how to acquire, process and filter data. Through an understanding of data visualization best practices and audience analysis, students are able to identify and articulate what makes a successful information design. Industry-standard software tools are used to create static and interactive graphics--including charts, maps and diagrams--that make information more accessible to the intended audiences.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed, Fall and Summer Online

ICM 530. Independent Study.3 Credits.

This is an elective course offered to accommodate students who seek advanced study in an area of the discipline. The topic and scope of the course are developed by the student in consultation with a faculty adviser, subject to approval by the program director and department chair.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed, All

ICM 531. Graduate Internship.3 Credits.

This elective course provides interactive media students with the opportunity to work in a professional setting to acquire additional skills and insights into their chosen area of study. Students completing this course are required to work in a supervised environment. All internships must be approved by the graduate program director.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed, All

ICM 540. Interactive Communications Abroad.3 Credits.

This multi-section course introduces students to the worldwide development of communications, including communication practices, infrastructure, environments, and specializations. Students conduct primary and secondary research on communications in a particular country or cross-cultural context. The topics can range from international visual arts through storytelling, global branding, and design, depending on the specialty of the instructor. This course includes a short-term study-abroad component directly related to the topic of the course, where students will be able to expand their skills and knowledge in a new environment. An interactive communications graduate-level final project is required.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

ICM 601. Master's Capstone.3 Credits.

Students create a professional quality web portfolio selected from the best work from their courses and experiences in the master's program. Each student is facilitated through the process of identifying and packaging works, creating a consistent message and image using the products of their research and practice.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring and Summer

Journalism & Sports Journalism Courses (JRN)

JRN 500. Special Topics in Journalism.3 Credits.

This course consists of seminar-based classes that consider emerging areas of scholarly research or industry developments in journalism, with a particular focus on how a specific research activity or industry development illustrates issues regarding economic, gender and social groups.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

JRN 501. Reporting and Fact-Checking.3 Credits.

Students are introduced to the basic practices and tools of journalism, which include interviewing, identifying and accessing public documents, writing leads and constructing organized, balanced stories.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

JRN 504. Digital Essentials.3 Credits.

The capacity to gather information and report the news remains at the core of the journalism profession. This course focuses on the fundamentals of news writing while also engaging students in emerging social media and other tools to present comprehensive news stories to all audiences.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

JRN 506. SEO, Social Media, and Third Party Platforms.3 Credits.

With a fresh take on audience engagement, students are introduced to the critical concepts of search engine optimization for social and digital news platforms while they learn and use industry recognized best practices for writing headlines, leads, URLs and social posts. Students will explore social algorithms and learn to use the knowledge to ensure strong storytelling reaches targeted audiences.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

JRN 521. Audio Storytelling.3 Credits.

Writing for the ear requires skills in preparing scripts, natural sound and audio recording and editing. This course prepares students to compose stories for radio news and podcasts, with a focus on developing the style of conversational broadcast writing common to National Public Radio.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

JRN 524. TV Reporting.3 Credits.

Visual news stories as broadcast by networks, affiliates and cable news channels and in evolving digital formats require skills in both storytelling and technology for shooting and editing video. This course covers the essentials of shooting video, editing and field reporting and producing.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

JRN 528. Data Journalism.3 Credits.

Information graphics are now an integral component of news, conveying big data into readily understood formats such as diagrams and charts. This course teaches students how to visually organize information and apply it to news stories for broadcast or online presentation.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

JRN 530. Independent Study (ICM530).3 Credits.

This is a special course offered to accommodate students who seek advanced practical training or advanced research in an area not directly included in the curriculum. The topic and scope of the course is developed by the student in consultation with a faculty adviser, subject to approval by the dean.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, All

JRN 531. Graduate Internship.3 Credits.

Experience in association with working professionals is essential to securing career opportunities. Students completing an elective internship to secure such experience are required to work in a supervised environment, approved by the graduate program director.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, All

JRN 541. Sporting Culture Through Nonfiction.3 Credits.

It has often been said that sport is a microcosm of society, but many rhetoric scholars have begun to suggest that sport plays a role in constituting society and is "defined by a range of political practices, including allocations of resources, representations of identity, projections of nationalism and globalization, activism and change." This directed readings course examines American culture, as well as comparative values, through nonfictional accounts of sport.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer Online

JRN 543. Literary Journalism in the '60s.3 Credits.

The 1960s stand out as an era of change and turbulence in 20th-century America. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, these nonfiction writers and journalists wrote in a personal style that became known as "Literary Journalism," or "the New Journalism." This directed reading course requires students to analyze the historical and contemporary views of major literary journalists.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer Online

JRN 545. TV Production.3 Credits.

This course introduces students to the technical production skills that go into a daily news telecast. Newsroom organization, story development (from idea to the air) and the principles and practices of professional producers are studied.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

JRN 546. Digital News Production.3 Credits.

This course explores topics related to social media, such as the viral video clip from a Tweet or the verified source through social media. Students learn the skills, tools and best practices of digital and video content production, as well as social coordination in the news arena. They also explore logistical and ethical concerns in the social medium.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

JRN 552. Media Law and Ethics.3 Credits.

A thorough knowledge of laws and ethical behavior is essential to the professional practice of journalism. As such, this course covers the legal and ethical dimensions of media communications across platforms, with an emphasis on First Amendment, privacy and copyright issues.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

JRN 562. Sports Law and Ethics.3 Credits.

Federal antitrust law and regulations show that college and professional sports are treated as special components of American culture. This course examines the legal structure that grants special privileges to sports and to the ethical challenges sports journalists confront in going beyond the games to find the story.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

JRN 563. Sports Analytics.3 Credits.

Deciphering the volumes of data produced by high school, college and professional sports teams is an essential part of sports reporting. This course introduces students to the ever-growing volumes of statistics across major sports and shows how to transform such data into useful information.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

JRN 564. Presenting and Producing Radio Sports.3 Credits.

Radio remains an essential and effective medium for listening to games and for engaging the audience with live talk shows that discuss teams, players, sports and the action of the competition. This course presents students with the principles and practices of radio sports.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

JRN 565. Presenting and Producing Television Sports: Remote.3 Credits.

Students in this course write, produce and distribute a 30-minute sports program for broadcast featuring stories that illustrate intriguing and inspiring stories of a Division I college athletic department. Every student engages in shooting, editing, writing, interviewing, presenting and distributing the final product. Additionally, students originate and perform local and national style sports highlight segments along with live in-depth interviews.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

JRN 566. Presenting and Producing Television Sports: Studio.3 Credits.

Pre-game, post-game and intermission reports are among the most important aspects of televised sports, as each reveals and promotes the storylines through which games are covered. This course introduces students to the concepts and content behind the production of studio shows.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

JRN 572. Researching and Writing the News Documentary.3 Credits.

The complexities of producing the news documentary range from finding the right story to pursue to uncovering the proper visuals to help tell it. This course provides students with the skills to research, write, and produce visual nonfiction, long-form projects rooted in history or current events.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

JRN 573. Sports Literature.3 Credits.

Sports serve as a critical metaphor for American life in nonfiction works such as "Friday Night Lights," in novels such as "End Zone," in plays such as "Death of a Salesman" and in films such as "Raging Bull." This course examines why sports are prominent in cultural works that attempt to reveal the meaning of America.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

JRN 574. Crafting the Sports Feature.3 Credits.

Feature writers capture athletes when they are most noble, frail or otherwise vulnerable or heroic. They also capture the moment when a game means more than that. This course teaches students to apply creative vitality to their ideas and writing on sports outside of game stories.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

JRN 588. Business Reporting:Following the Money.3 Credits.

Students learn methods and tactics of writing about businesses for mass communication. The course covers why and how companies operate and how to write stories about corporate news from public records and other sources.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every other year, Spring

JRN 589. Critical Issues in Sports.3 Credits.

From health concerns to labor conflicts, the workaday world often intrudes on the bubble that protects the mythology of sport. Through reason, analysis and writing, students interact with vital issues that emerge from the seemingly routine day-to-day coverage of games.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

JRN 595. Sports Clinical.3 Credits.

Students completing the sports journalism program must participate in the Sports Clinical. This course focuses on advanced broadcast, multimedia, documentary and long-form reporting and to deepen the experience and training in a given area of specialization in terms of platform and subject matter.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

JRN 600. Capstone Proposal.3 Credits.

Students completing the journalism program conduct research and do preliminary reporting to write a capstone project proposal based on their area of inquiry. The faculty adviser and graduate program director must approve the topic. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, All

JRN 601. Capstone Project.3 Credits.

Students completing the journalism program must complete a capstone project. Under the guidance of the their faculty adviser, students create an original, in-depth, professional-quality journalism project. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, All

Public Relations Courses (PRR)

PRR 501. Principles and Theories of Public.3 Credits.

Students are introduced to the growing body of knowledge in the discipline and gain expertise that contributes to professional competence in public relations. Students examine the function of public relations in organizations and society, review contemporary and historical roles of public relations professionals and explore the practice of public relations in various public and private settings. Students also learn the latest theoretical approaches to public relations and apply these approaches to contemporary public relations management practices.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PRR 502. Public Relations Research Methods.3 Credits.

This course examines the applied use of research in public relations program development. Students learn methodologies appropriate for conducting secondary analyses and primary research. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are addressed, such as secondary analysis, content analysis, survey research, focus groups, participant observation, case study and experimentation.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PRR 504. Law and Ethics in Public Relations.3 Credits.

Students become familiar with legal and industry standards for legally and ethically practicing public relations. The course aims to instill an appreciation for freedom of expression and the First Amendment; to impart a functional understanding of legal rules and principles relevant to public relations practice in the U.S.; to enhance students' ability to identify the moral and ethical dimensions of issues that arise in public relations practice; and to develop analytical and critical thinking skills that encourage students to make and justify ethical decisions.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

PRR 505. Public Relations Writing.3 Credits.

This course helps students develop professional-quality public relations writing skills. Students prepare a variety of public relations materials, such as news releases and other media materials; copy for internal magazines, reports, newsletters, brochures, institutional/advocacy advertising; video/audio scripts; web site copy; and speeches. Upon completion of this course, students have a professional portfolio of public relations writing samples.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

PRR 506. Public Relations Management.3 Credits.

This course focuses on the business management aspects of public relations, such as policy formation, project direction, resource management, client relations, budgeting and counseling. Special emphasis is placed on public relations' contribution to an institution's mission and effectiveness.

Prerequisites: Take STC 501 or PRR 501
Offered: Every year, Spring

PRR 507. Strategic Planning in Public Relations.3 Credits.

This course familiarizes students with the public relations strategic planning process. Students examine contemporary case studies that demonstrate the public relations planning process and apply what they have learned to the development and presentation of a public relations campaign plan for a client.

Prerequisites: Take PRR 501.
Offered: As needed

PRR 510. Crisis Management.3 Credits.

This course examines institutional crisis communication from a management perspective with an emphasis on crisis prevention, planning and response. Students are required to read and discuss selected articles from the crisis management literature, research and develop case studies of contemporary crises, and participate in simulations designed to develop professional expertise and practical skills in crisis management, including the management of information, management of public communication, strategic planning, problem solving, message production and issues management.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 511. Global Strategy.3 Credits.

This course examines concepts, issues and practices in international public relations across the borders and focuses on the challenges, opportunities, and the worldwide development of public relations. The course aims to inform you about the variables that affect public relations practice in the international realm and assist you in understanding of other countries' domestic public relations given the various cultures, geopolitical and socio-economic systems. Participants look closely at how governments, corporations, multinationals and nongovernmental organizations employ international public relations strategies around the world. Students also examine similarities between international public relations and public diplomacy and the effects of international public relations on images of nations.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 512. Investor Relations.3 Credits.

Students study the function of investor relations in corporations and examine the role of investor relations specialists charged with communicating financial information about companies to the financial media, SEC, financial analysts, shareholders and others in the financial community. Students learn how to integrate finance, communication, marketing and securities law compliance in efforts to maximize shareholder wealth.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 513. Health & Strategic Communications.3 Credits.

In this course, students are exposed to the field of strategic health communications, with particular attention to analysis and practice of health communication relationships and messages. Issues to be discussed include, but are not limited to: history and current challenges of the health communication field; health campaign creation, implementation and evaluation; cultural issues related to health behavior change campaigns; translational research; traditional and social media training for health care professionals; and perspectives of media influence on health attitudes, norms and behaviors.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 514. Public Relations and New Media.3 Credits.

This course addresses the impact of new media on public relations. It focuses on conducting public relations campaigns online and responding to public relations issues via new media, such as social networking and bookmarking sites, blogs, podcasts/vodcasts, discussion boards and conferences, wikis and mobile media.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, All

PRR 515. Special Topics in Public Relations.3 Credits.

This course examines a specific topic or issue in public relations theory and practice. Topics might focus on specific practice areas such as sports public relations, employee relations, political public relations, public diplomacy, nonprofit public relations, or on industry issues and trends, such as the uses and impact of new technologies, professional ethics and corporate social responsibility or the integration of communication practices.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed, Fall and Spring

PRR 516. Branding Strategies.3 Credits.

This course explores strategies used by planners, communicators, managers and consultants to create, develop, nurture, maintain and reenergize brands. This course helps students understand the main idea of branding: developing, defending and growing brands for companies, agencies or nonprofits. It explores the essential elements of branding, including target audiences and segmentation, brand benefits, brand personality, differentiation and key brand equities. It also surveys conceptual approaches for the diagnosis of brand growth opportunities and for planning integrated brand communications.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 517. Strategic Comm for Health Professionals.3 Credits.

In this course, graduate students are exposed to the field of strategic health communication. In particular, students are asked to consider the role of health communication messages in internal, organizational settings, as well as outward-facing messages. Unique to this graduate-level strategic communication course, the students are expected to have minimal to no experience in the field of strategic communication. Instead, the overview of the field provided through this course seeks to encourage understanding of how the theories, practices and evaluations of health communication should be incorporated within their areas of health expertise.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 518. Measurement & Evaluation.3 Credits.

This course focuses on the development of knowledge and skills to ensure that students are able to use data to make business decisions. Students consider key concerns of measurement to determine if measurement tools are effective and appropriate for a project's goals, as well as how to make sense of data to measure success of a project and how to display findings for various audiences. The course is focused on the principles and process of utilizing research to best serve your client's or organization's goals. Main topics for the course include measurement development and refinement, online data analytics, audience segmentation, data interpretation and data visualization.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

PRR 519. Strategic Public Relations.3 Credits.

The focus of this course is reputation management and its importance to business success. Students analyze the function of corporate communications and examine a range of topics including organizational identity, image and reputation; issues and crisis management; institutional ethics and corporate social responsibility; strategic public relations planning; integrated marketing communication; public relations theories and best practices; and global public engagement. The class also explores specialty public relations practice areas such as media relations, investor relations, employee relations and government relations. Class discussions, case studies, in-class exercises, team projects and essay exams help students improve their critical thinking and reasoning skills, develop research and strategic planning skills and increase diversity awareness and sensitivities that are important to professional and business success.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 520. Sports Public Relations.3 Credits.

This class is a comprehensive review of sports event planning and management. Students examine such topics as strategic planning, budgeting and time management.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 521. Corporate Public Relations.3 Credits.

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required for positions in the corporate sector. Topics include media relations, employee communication, community relations, investor relations, and crisis communication. Students hone their written communication and critical thinking skills in this class.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 522. Nonprofit Public Relations.3 Credits.

This course is appropriate for students who want to learn how to develop and implement comprehensive public relations campaigns for nonprofit organizations. It highlights the structures and nuances of the various types of NPOs and examines case studies and present-day scenarios. The course requires the development of a public relations campaign, and culminates in crafting a case study assessing the effectiveness of an assigned NPO's public relations campaign.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 523. Media Systems and Planning.3 Credits.

In this course, students learn about traditional as well as new and emerging technologies, with particular emphasis on their strengths and weaknesses as message carriers. Discussions include an overview of commonly used metrics and sources of data in the advertising and communications industries. Students then use this knowledge to plan and budget for integrated communication plans that capitalize on paid, earned and owned outlets.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 525. Financial Communications and Business.3 Credits.

This course provides students with a holistic view of public relations and corporate communications management, as well as strategic planning for organizational change and growth. It covers various styles and functions of management and leadership theory and introduces key principles of marketing, branding, risk management, ethics, and finance. Throughout the course, students develop the ability to work between crucial agency organizational departments.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 531. Graduate Internship in Public Relations.3 Credits.

Students complete a minimum of 90 hours of professional fieldwork supervised by the program director and a qualified field supervisor. Approval of the program director is required.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, All

PRR 540. Strategic Communications Abroad.3 Credits.

This multi-section course introduces students to the worldwide development of communications, including communication practices, infrastructure, environments, and specializations. Students conduct primary and secondary research on communications in a particular country or cross-cultural context. The topics can range from international strategic communication through storytelling, global branding, and design, depending on the specialty of the instructor. This course includes a short-term study-abroad component directly related to the topic of the course, where students will be able to expand their skills and knowledge in a new environment. A strategic communication graduate-level final project is required.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 547. Entertainment Public Relations.3 Credits.

This course reviews and applies the established RPIE (Research, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation) process to the field of entertainment public relations in the context of such industries as music, movies, TV, theater, gaming, and sports. The distinctions between and among advertising, publicity, public relations, marketing, and promotion, in addition to how they can work together to support a specific goal, are highlighted.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 549. Media Relations.3 Credits.

This course gives students an understanding of the priorities and expectations of various types of contemporary media and how to successfully engage them through research-based strategies and tactics designed to reach key audiences. At the conclusion of the course, students should be well-practiced in various forms of working with journalists and the public via multiple media.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

PRR 551. Social Media Analytics.3 Credits.

This course familiarizes students with the role of analytics in digital communication strategies and social media account management. Students are introduced to the growing body of research on digital communication analytics, including social listening, social monitoring, attribution modeling, A/B testing, and data visualization. Key case examples of malicious data harvesting and data misuse are used to explore the importance of ethical data utilization in campaigns. Students finish this course with an understanding of the magnitude of social media on different elements of society and how social media analytics are used to recognize and solve problems across many industries.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every other year, Spring

PRR 552. Access/Diversity/Inclusion in Soc Media.3 Credits.

This course introduces best practices for creating social media content with optimized accessibility for disabled audiences, as well as improving diversity representation in the development and delivery of social media content. Students learn approaches for critically evaluating campaign strategies and individual social media messages for accessibility, diversity, and inclusion, and are empowered with knowledge of tools to improve campaign messages.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every other year, Fall

PRR 553. Social Media Content Strategy.3 Credits.

This course addresses the strategic development of content across various social media platforms to meet key publics where they're active with material that takes advantages of the specific affordances of each platform. The course will consider addressing issues and crises as they arise, pivoting in response to public concerns, and gaining management buy-in on response strategies.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every other year, Spring

PRR 605. Public Relations Grad Capstone.3 Credits.

Students develop a professional research project under the direction of program faculty. The project work should exhibit KSAs and/or serve as PRSA Readiness Review preparation.The capstone project is a personally designed, independently conducted activity, enabling students to further their knowledge/skill in one or more of the course topics that students have found especially interesting or beneficial. Permission of instructor required.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring and Summer

PRR 606. Independent Study.3 Credits.

Students develop and implement individual research projects that advance understanding of particular theoretical or practical aspects of public relations. Approval of the program director is required.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed