Computing and Engineering

203-582-7985 (central office)

Administrative Officers

Title Name Phone Email
Dean Taskin Kocak 203-582-7829
Associate Dean Corey Kiassat 203-582-5020
Director of Career Development John Bau 203-582-7434
Director of Operations and Technology Richard G. Brownell 203-582-3653


Program Name Phone Email
Computer Science Christian Duncan 203-582-3817
Cybersecurity Frederick Scholl 203-582-7394
Dual Degree Program - BA/MS in Computer Science and Cybersecurity Jonathan Blake 203-582-8539
Badge - Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Frederick Scholl 203-582-7394

Master of Science

Dual-Degree Program

Cybersecurity (CYB)

CYB 501. Foundations of Cyber Security.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to fundamental security principles and security defense. Students learn the concepts of information security risks, vulnerabilities, assets and threats.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

CYB 502. Introduction to Cyber Threats.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to the analysis of cyber threats. Students learn to identify bad actors in cyberspace and assess their resources, capabilities, techniques and motivations. Students learn to describe different types of cyber attacks and their characteristics.

Corequisites: Take CYB 501.
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

CYB 503. Introduction to Cyber Defense.1 Credit.

Students learn about cyber defense tools and techniques. This course covers how to apply cyber defense tools and techniques to prepare a system to repel attacks.

Corequisites: Take CYB 502.
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

CYB 505. Introduction to Cybersecurity.3 Credits.

This course will introduce students to basic cybersecurity concepts, including risk management, threats, vulnerabilities, and defense techniques.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year

CYB 506. Introduction to Programming for Security Professionals.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to basic scripting and programming concepts needed for security defense. Course topics include writing scripts for Windows and Linux; understanding basic programming security concepts; basic programming constructs, such as variables, types, loops, functions and data structures.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

CYB 509. Operating Systems Security.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to operating systems and the software to support these systems. Topics include operating system security configuration, control objectives, control maintenance and forensics. The course includes hands-on implementation of security controls, including access management, file and process security configuration, and security monitoring.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 510. Introduction to Security Technology.3 Credits.

This course will introduce students to concepts and practices around securing networks, securing operating systems, and securing data with cryptography.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

CYB 517. Introduction to Cryptography.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to cryptography algorithms, protocols and applications. Topics include history; applications, such as SSL and SSH; and protocols, such as hash functions, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, and attack-vectors for systems.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 520. Concepts and Practices for Securing Data.3 Credits.

This course will introduce students to concepts and practices needed to secure data, in relational, non-relational and IoT platforms.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 524. Relational Database Security.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to different relational database management systems (DMS) and DMS security concerns and methods. Topics covered include hashing and encryption, database access controls, unauthorized access, data corruption and injection.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 526. Non-Relational Database Security.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to the theory, application and security of nonrelational database systems. It focuses on data management, query and security aspects of nonrelational databases. Topics include a comparison between relational and nonrelational database models, NoSQL storage types for different databases such as MongoDB, Hadoop, Amazon DynamoDB, document-based databases and graph databases.

Corequisites: Take CYB 524;
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 530. Programming for Security Professionals.3 Credits.

This course will introduce students to programming concepts and practices needed for security defense, including scripting, machine data analytics and security automation.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring and Summer

CYB 540. Introduction to Secure Networking.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to the theoretical and practical aspects of designing, developing and defending computer networks. Topics include network models, media, architectures, devices, protocols, services, applications and use of network security tools.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 550. Cyber Policy.3 Credits.

There are three parts to this course. The first part covers the applicable federal and state laws and policies related to cyber defense, pertaining to the storage and transmission of data. In the second part, students analyze and develop enterprise security policies. Finally, students learn how to implement machine security policies.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Summer

CYB 613. Practical, Hands-On Healthcare Cyber Risk Management.3 Credits.

This course will introduce students to concepts and practices needed to manage HIPAA compliance and security risks, and how to organize and facilitate these practices within an enterprise health organization.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

CYB 615. Introduction to Ethical Hacking Operational Reconnaissance, and Penetration Testing..3 Credits.

Students will learn the basics of conducting a penetration test, including understanding the legal requirements, how to conduct reconnaissance operations, operating common penetration testing tools and how to document the results of a penetration test.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

CYB 617. Introduction to Cybersecurity Risk in Fin Tech.3 Credits.

This course will equip students to manage cybersecurity risks in the changing landscape of financial technology and applications. Curriculum will include overview of newer technologies such as AI, 5G wireless, cloud and blockchain.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring

CYB 660. Programming for Security Analytics.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to basic command-line methods used in machine data analytics. Student learn how to collect machine logs, search log data, and identify anomalies in logs.

Corequisites: Take CYB 506.
Offered: Every year, Summer

CYB 661. Programming for Security Automation.1 Credit.

This course focuses on programming methods that are applicable to security automation. Students gain experience in automation using Python and Cloud native CLI to facilitate such tasks as automated code scanning; automated application scanning in testing and staging; automated network, server, container configuration checks; and continuous monitoring of development pipeline components and job scheduling.

Corequisites: Take CYB 660.
Offered: Every year, Summer

CYB 662. Secure Web Applications Design.1 Credit.

This course covers the design and architecture of secure web applications, such as: traditional three-tier architectures, SOA, microservices, FaaS; application protocols; authentication and session management; client and server-side controls; input-based vulnerabilities and web application attack trends.

Corequisites: Take CYB 661.
Offered: Every year, Summer

CYB 663. Secure Web Applications Engineering.1 Credit.

In this course, students learn processes and practices needed to secure applications within the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The course covers traditional SDLC processes and methods to secure modern Cloud native development processes and using concepts of DevSecOps.

Corequisites: Take CYB 662.
Offered: Every year, Summer

CYB 664. Web Applications Security Testing.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to web application security testing. Topics include application security metrics, selecting the right testing tool and integrating the results into the development life cycle. Students gain hands-on experience using these tools in practical settings.

Corequisites: Take CYB 663.
Offered: Every year, Summer

CYB 665. Workforce Access Security.1 Credit.

This course focuses on authentication and user access technologies and practices within the enterprise. Topics include Active Directory services and architecture, and enterprise network access protocols.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

CYB 667. B2C Access Security.1 Credit.

This course focuses on authentication and user access technologies and practices within B2C access. Topics include standards-based B2C authentication and access management protocols.

Corequisites: Take CYB 665.
Offered: Every year, Fall

CYB 669. B2B Access Security.1 Credit.

This course covers access concepts based on B2B communication APIs, such as standard-based protocols and B2B on-boarding, for mobile, social and loT applications.

Corequisites: Take CYB 667.
Offered: Every year, Fall

CYB 670. IoT Security.1 Credit.

This course covers security as it pertains to embedded devices, embodied by the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). Students learn about the specific security issues related to embedded devices, including Linux malware, DDoS attacks, botnets, cryptography and personal privacy.

Corequisites: Take CYB 526.
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 675. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing.2 Credits.

This course will introduce students to concepts and practices of ethical hacking and penetration testing. Students will learn how to plan, organize, and perform penetration testing on a simple network.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Spring

CYB 680. Introduction to Cloud Security.1 Credit.

In this course, students learn fundamentals of Cloud computing and Cloud security. This course covers topics such as shared responsibility models for laaS, PaaS, SaaS and FaaS, and Cloud Security Alliance CCM. Students get hands-on experience creating secure systems within a commercial Cloud vendor environment.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

CYB 681. Securing Workloads in AWS.1 Credit.

This course covers concepts and practices for securing AWS workloads. Students are introduced to security controls, such as access controls using IAM, logging and auditing, and other AWS security services.

Corequisites: Take CYB 680.
Offered: Every year, Fall

CYB 682. Securing Workloads in Azure.1 Credit.

This course covers concepts and practices for securing Azure workloads. Students are introduced to security controls, such as access controls using IAM, logging and auditing, and other AWS security services.

Corequisites: Take CYB 680.
Offered: Every year, Fall

CYB 683. Resilient System Design and Development.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to the concepts of secure system design and cyber resilience. The content of this course includes best security processes recommended in NIST 800-160 and techniques and technologies needed for secure system design and development.

Prerequisites: Take CYB 680.
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 684. Resilient System Testing.1 Credit.

This course introduces students to state-of-the-art concepts and methods to evaluate cyber resiliency. Topics include breach and attack simulation, configuration assessment and compliance. Hands-on experience with systems testing tools is part of this course.

Corequisites: Take CYB 683.
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 685. Operating Resilient Systems.3 Credits.

This course includes hands-on experience with tools for security activities such as intrusion detection and cloud security monitoring. Other topics this course covers include Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), maintaining situational awareness and dynamic threat.

Corequisites: Take CYB 684.
Offered: Every year, Spring

CYB 690. Introduction to Secure Authentication And Access.3 Credits.

Students will be introduced to concepts and practices for secure workplace access, secure B2C access and secure B2B access.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

CYB 691. MS Cybersecurity Capstone.3 Credits.

This capstone course is designed to enable students to directly utilize what has been learned in the tools and applications courses in order to analyze and offer solutions for a major cybersecurity challenge. A definition of the problem, analysis of options and a comprehensive presentation of findings and solutions are required components of the course.

Prerequisites: Permission of the Program Director.
Offered: Every year, Spring and Summer

CYB 695. Cloud Security.3 Credits.

This course will introduce students to concepts in cloud security as well as practices in AWS and Azure clouds.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

CYB 696. Introduction to Designing, Testing, and Operating Resilient Systems.3 Credits.

Students will be introduced to basic concepts of designing, testing and operating resilient systems, including hands-on defense of simulated cyber attack.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall and Spring