HM 600. Foundations of Health Care Management.3 Credits.

This course expands the student's understanding of: 1) the organization and functions of various health services organizations/systems and their interrelationships; 2) basic concepts of management planning, organizing, leading, staffing and controlling as they relate to issues critical to the mission and strategic positioning of the organization/system; and 3) the utilization of scarce resources to deliver optimum health care at reasonable cost.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

HM 621. Quality Management in Health Care Facilities.3 Credits.

This course provides a broad perspective on improving quality in health care facilities. Students gain a working knowledge of accreditation organizations and health care regulatory requirements including the JCAHCO and patient-safety legislation. The course explores patient safety and quality methods as well as the role of consumers in evaluating the quality of the health care services they receive. At course completion, students are able to competently participate in health care quality/patient safety endeavors at all levels of provider, payer, regulatory and accreditation organizations. Students may participate in an onsite project.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Fall

HM 630. Corporate Compliance in the Health Care Industry.3 Credits.

This course addresses both the managerial and legal aspects of health care corporate compliance. Essential elements of a compliance program are presented with a focus on various pieces of federal legislation and enforcement initiatives conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Office of Inspector General in the Department of Health and Human Services.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

HM 657. Health Care Compliance Law.3 Credits.

This course illuminates the legal aspects of health care compliance. At both the federal and state levels, the course addresses the statutory, regulatory and case law that comprises the complex legal backdrop in which the health care industry operates. The course introduces the history, purpose and substance of health care regulatory compliance programs and addresses legal doctrines concerning reimbursement law and related fraud and abuse, legal restrictions on physician referral and related anti-kickback laws, antitrust law, compliance issues in health care business transactions, compliance mandates in the Affordable Care Act, and the law governing health care research.

Prerequisites: Take HM 668.
Offered: As needed

HM 660. Human Resource Management in Health Care Administration.3 Credits.

The policies, organization, procedures and techniques required to develop a positive personnel program and a favorable working climate specific to health care organizations are studied. Labor law for health care facilities is identified as it relates to collective bargaining, unfair labor practices, disputes, union security, reporting and disclosure requirements, contract negotiations and conciliation and mediation procedures. The importance of positive human resource programs in the labor-intensive health care industry is emphasized.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed

HM 663. Integrated Health Systems and Managed Care.3 Credits.

This course focuses on the integration of provider networks to create more efficient and better coordinated health care systems. The impact of activity on traditional health care provider roles is analyzed. Capitation and other managed care reimbursement techniques and the successes and failures of integrated health systems are examined critically.

Prerequisites: Take HM 600, HM 621.
Corequisites: Take HM 664 - Must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course.
Offered: Every year, Spring

HM 664. Financial Management in Health Care Organizations.3 Credits.

This course equips the student with a basic understanding of financial management techniques as well as the application of financial theory to the practice of health care administration. Unique problems of financing health care organizations are covered, with special attention paid to using allocation decisions to develop structured financial management systems.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

HM 668. Legal Aspects of Health Care Delivery.3 Credits.

This course provides a fundamental knowledge of law and the legal system, examining how they affect health care administration. Three areas of law of special importance to the health care setting are emphasized: tort law, contract law and administrative law. The course also examines the legal responsibilities and liabilities of an institution's governing board, its administrators, and its clinical staff. Finally, the course analyzes the legal and ethical rights of the patient and considers the patient's right to informed consent, confidentiality and commitment.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Spring

HM 671. Health Policy and Politics.3 Credits.

This course is an overview of the federal legislative process and its impact on the healthcare delivery system. Federal healthcare policy influences the cost, access, and quality of the healthcare system. This course is an interdisciplinary immersion course where students will meet and interact with federal healthcare policy stakeholders and influencers. Government agencies, media, advocacy organizations are covered as to their impact on healthcare policy. Students will identify a significant healthcare issue and develop a legislative proposal that offers a solution. Excellent proposals will be presented to our Senators.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed