Program Contacts:
Film Studies Track  Mary Schmitt   203-582-7639
Production/Writing Track  Ashley Brandon   203-582-7277

There are two tracks available in the Film and Television minor. The Production/Writing track will broaden your appreciation for visual storytelling as an art form, and familiarize you with the basics of screenwriting and film production. The Film Studies track will explore the rich history of cinema and television and develop a foundation in the theories and techniques that make characters and stories spring to life.

Quinnipiac’s proximity to the media epicenter of New York City provides exciting opportunities to enrich your academic experience through internships. You will benefit from access to a vast network of alumni who work as media professionals and are eager to mentor you. You’re also free to explore the many facets of multimedia production with the sophisticated equipment in Quinnipiac’s Ed McMahon Communications Center, including our 4K digital television studio, where students create professional-caliber video content and programming as well as high-tech multimedia productions for web and mobile. 

Film and Television Minor Curriculum

Students electing this minor must complete the courses under one of the following two tracks (18 credits). Either track is for students majoring from within or outside of the School of Communications.

Film and Television: Film Studies Track

Minor requirements
FTM 102Understanding Film3
FTM 240Analysis of the Moving Image3
FTM 320History of Film I (to 1975)3
FTM 322History of Film (and Television) II3
Film Elective 13
FTM 450Senior Seminar in Film and Television3
Total Credits18

Eligible courses may include, but are not limited to: COM 340 Holocaust and Film; COM 340 Cinema of India; COM 350 Media, Culture and Arts of Los Angeles; IT 211 Italian Cinema; GR 210 German Culture & Film; PS 200 Psychology and Film. Students may also take an additional FTM 450 as an elective as long as the topic is different. Other courses may be approved with permission of the chairperson and minor adviser.

Film and Television: Production/Writing Track

Minor requirements
FTM 102Understanding Film3
FTM 110Single Camera Production3
FTM 112Multicamera Production3
FTM 245Intermediate Production3
FTM 372Screenwriting3
FTM 450Senior Seminar in Film and Television3
Total Credits18