Program Contact: Antoaneta Vanc  203-582-3836

This minor will introduce students to the field of public diplomacy and its many strategic aspects, such as country image building and reputation, nation branding, corporate diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, sports diplomacy, media diplomacy, celebrity diplomacy, tourism diplomacy, etc. The minor aims to highlight the multidisciplinary approaches of how nations build their image, brand and reputation; how corporate social responsibility is used not only to engage with foreign publics, but also participate in a country’s public diplomacy efforts; how sports are used to break diplomatic barriers; how pop culture celebrities, such as actors, musicians or athletes, are used to bring countries together; and how the future of public diplomacy is inextricably tied to the future of media.

The minor will prepare students interested in careers that require knowledge and application of global affairs, international relations and foreign policy, as well as cross-cultural understanding and communication, global strategic communication management, digital media, brand and reputation management, and project management.

Students wishing to minor in public diplomacy must complete 18 credits. 

Public Diplomacy Minor Curriculum

For students whose majors are outside Public Relations, required minor courses are:

ADPR 101Principles of Public Relations,Intro to Public Relations3
PO 211Introduction to International Relations3
ADPR 309Public Diplomacy3
ADPR 344Global Public Relations Management3
Select two elective courses from Advertising and Public Relations (ADPR), Legal Studies (LE), Media Studies (MSS) or Political Science (PO), from the electives list below.6
Total Credits18

For students whose majors are within Public Relations, required minor courses are:

PO 131Introduction to American Government and Politics3
PO 211Introduction to International Relations3
ADPR 309Public Diplomacy3
ADPR 344Global Public Relations Management3
Select two non Advertising and Public Relations (ADPR) elective courses from the electives list below.6
Total Credits18

Elective Courses

Advertising and Public Relations (ADPR)
ADPR 311Sports Public Relations (sps 311)3
ADPR 320Strategies for Social Media3
ADPR 348Event Planning3
ADPR 349Media Relations3
ADPR 410Branding Strategies3
Legal Studies (LE)
LE 317International Law3
LE 318Human Rights Law and Global Justice3
LE 370Negotiation3
Media Studies (MSS)
MSS 346Global Communication3
Political Science (PO)
PO 209Environmental Politics and Policy3
PO 221Introduction to Latin America3
PO 245Politics of Global Capitalism3
PO 247Actors and Processes in U.S. Foreign Policy3
PO 313Development, Globalization and Colonialism3
PO 319International Interventions3
PO 325Political Psychology and Public Opinion3
PO 331Topics in Comparative Government3
PO 361DC National Security Seminar3