Program Contact:   Jennifer Sacco   203-582-8972

A basic understanding of philosophy complements virtually every subject, from science to the humanities. With a minor in philosophy, students discover how the wisdom of ancient philosophers applies to our modern world and study a vast array of global philosophies, cultures and religions. You will examine some of the most pressing moral and ethical questions facing the world today. You’ll learn not only how to think independently and logically, but also how to effectively communicate your thoughts—essential and transferable professional skills, particularly in the fields of medicine, politics, law and teaching.

Students have the flexibility to design your minor by choosing from a wide selection of courses that explore areas such as philosophy of art, human rights, bioethics, war and technology. 

Quinnipiac’s minor in philosophy offers an adventure in thinking and talking about our own ideas as well as those of great philosophers, past and present, with reference to the moral life, power and wealth, and humanity’s relation to nature and to the future of the planet.

To complete the minor, students must take PL 101 and an additional 15 credits of Philosophy courses.