Program Contact:  Thornton Lockwood 203-582-3345

In our global world of diversity, conflicting sources of information, and artificial intelligence, the study of ethics has never been more important. Concepts like integrity and transparency are regularly invoked in the workplace; concepts like justice and solidarity often turn up in political discourse; and concepts like duty and intergenerational obligation are integral to contemporary environmental crises. What do these concepts mean? How do employers, lawyers, media, academics and others use these concepts? And most importantly—how do we understand these concepts correctly and accurately, especially when they are contested in ordinary discourse? This ethics certificate will prepare students to examine ethical concepts and situations and evaluate arguments made about what is right and what is wrong. This certificate gives students a sound understanding of ethical perspectives and the chance to take courses in applied areas.  

Students who complete this certificate will understand major contemporary ethical theories (such as utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and ethics of care) and have experience applying those general theories to at least two different domains of contemporary practice (for instance, bioethics or environmental ethics). Students will develop an appreciation for the complexity of contemporary ethical problems and develop problem-solving skills to navigate such complex problems. Students will also develop a situational awareness of the most important factors that weigh upon ethical problem solving, such as concepts like transparency, authenticity and respect for equality. 

Required Course3
Introduction to Ethics
Six Credits of Electives 16
Legal Aspects of Health Care Delivery
Bioethical Issues in the 21st Century
Healthcare Law and Ethics
Environmental Ethics
Is AI Taking Over? Disruption, Disinformation, and the Future Of Communication
Environmental Ethics
Business Ethics
Philosophy of Sport
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
Philosophy of War and Peace
Human Rights: Theory and Practice
Business Ethics
Total Credits9

No more than three credits of elective credit may come from a prefix other than PL.