Program Contact: Hamlet Hernandez  203-582-7436

Quinnipiac University’s Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership prepares graduates with the perspectives, knowledge and skills to become exceptional school leaders. The School of Education recognizes an educational leader as three-dimensional, and that successful educational leaders must be teachers and learners as well as leaders. Graduates of the Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership program develop a deeper understanding of the teaching and learning process through a lens of equity, a fuller understanding of diverse learners through a lens of cultural relevance, and a stance of advocacy as leaders, who influence the culture of their schools in ways that support best practices in teaching and learning. Addressing the challenges of contemporary school leadership while supporting school change toward a more inclusive and equitable model is at the forefront of all we do.

General Information

The Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership program is an online post-master’s credential which is provided in an asynchronous delivery model. The program prepares graduates to assume a variety of school leadership roles such as department chair, assistant principal, principal, curriculum coordinator and central office administrator below the rank of assistant superintendent. Candidates who complete the required 21 credits of the 33-credit program and pass the Connecticut Administrator Test (ETS, Test Code 6412) are able to obtain initial certification by the Connecticut State Department of Education certification for Intermediate Administrator/Supervisor (092). (Completion of the full degree program is required for the professional level license.)

While 27 credits are requirements for the program (see course outline), the remaining 6 credits to complete the degree allow candidates to choose areas of interest or desired expertise. Courses in Program Evaluation and Conflict Resolution are offered. Additionally, candidates are allowed to enroll in courses offered within the Social & Emotional Learning Certificate.

The Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership with Social and Emotional Learning Concentration 

Current leaders in educational administration understand the critical importance of addressing the social and emotional needs of students, teachers and staff. The Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership offers enrolled candidates a unique opportunity to pursue a concentration area in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). To complete the concentration while obtaining the Sixth-Year Diploma degree, candidates are required to successfully complete 9 credits (three courses) chosen from the Social and Emotional Learning and School Climate Certificate program, as well as one EDL elective (3 credits) within the Sixth-Year Diploma program (for a total of 39 program credits). The total of 9 credits in Social and Emotional Learning fulfills the concentration area, and the candidate’s transcript will reflect this additional expertise. Please see the Curriculum tab outlining the concentration option. The concentration option is fully online and asynchronous. Students selecting SEL courses are not required to meet the SEL Certificate Program prerequisite, SEL 600

The program is fully accredited by the Connecticut State Department of Education, which participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Contract, and CAEP, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.

Note: Because the education program is subject to state review on a regular basis, prospective and current students are advised to see the School of Education for up-to-date program information.


Candidates must participate in an internship after completing EDL 601, EDL 603 and EDL 605 to gain authentic leadership experience. The Internship in Educational Leadership (EDL 607) consists of a series of coordinated activities related to the national standards for school leaders as established by the National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) standards, which arose from the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC). The specific experiences are cooperatively planned by the candidate, a faculty member and a school district mentor. To demonstrate mastery of the NELP standards, each candidate compiles an internship portfolio, which includes a description and analysis of activities related to the national standards; evidence of evaluating a portion of a school program for the purpose of improving student learning; evaluations from the administrator, mentor and university supervisor; a reflection journal describing leadership strengths and needs; a weekly log of activities and hours (a minimum of 150 hours is required); and artifacts from the internship. The internship is scheduled only during the fall or spring semester to ensure the most authentic experience possible.

Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership Curriculum

Required Courses
EDL 601Leading and Managing the Contemporary School6
EDL 603Leading and Managing the Instructional Program for Equitable Outcomes6
EDL 605Leading and Managing School Improvement6
EDL 607Administrative Internship in Educational Leadership3
EDL 611Educational Law3
EDL 613Public School Finance3
EDL 700Connecticut Administrators Test (Required to pass by the Connecticut State Department of Education for the 092 certification)0
Choose two of the following6
Educational Program Evaluation
Conflict Resolution and Transformational Leadership
Research Deep Dive - Social and Emotional Learning and School Climate
Self-Care and Resiliency for Practitioners
Transforming Instruction with SEL Insights
Leadership for SEL School Communities
Total Credits33

Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership with Social and Emotional Learning Concentration Curriculum

Required Courses
EDL 601Leading and Managing the Contemporary School6
EDL 603Leading and Managing the Instructional Program for Equitable Outcomes6
EDL 605Leading and Managing School Improvement6
EDL 607Administrative Internship in Educational Leadership3
EDL 611Educational Law3
EDL 613Public School Finance3
EDL 700Connecticut Administrators Test (Required to pass by the Connecticut State Department of Education for the 092 certification)0
Choose one of the following3
Educational Program Evaluation
Conflict Resolution and Transformational Leadership
Choose three of the following9
Research Deep Dive - Social and Emotional Learning and School Climate
Self-Care and Resiliency for Practitioners
Transforming Instruction with SEL Insights
Leadership for SEL School Communities
Total Credits39

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership, candidates will be able to demonstrate and sustain the following competencies:                

  1. Vision, Mission and Goals: Guide the development and implementation of a shared vision and mission of high quality and equitable education that is shared and supported by all stakeholders.

  2. Ethics and Professional Norms: Model the leadership and ethical behaviors that promote equity and social justice.

  3. Culture and Relationship Building: Advocate, nurture and sustain a school culture and climate that supports educators and meets the needs of diverse learners by guiding academic, social, developmental and emotional needs.

  4. Managing Organizational Systems and Safety: Ensure school management, operation and resources to promote a safe, efficient and effective learning environment.

  5. Teaching and Learning: Monitor and continuously improve teaching and learning by providing instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional development.

  6. Collaborating with Families and Stakeholders: Promote and sustain collaboration with families and other stakeholders to respond to diverse communities, interests and needs, and to mobilize community resources.

  7. Change Agent: Understand, advocate and respond to the change process to influence the political, social, economic, legal and cultural context affecting education.

  8. Systems Thinking: Align the school improvement plan with the district theory of action drivers for coherence, efficacy and building capacity.  


Students are admitted into the Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership program upon meeting the following requirements:

  1. A master’s degree in education or a related field from an accredited institution with a minimum GPA of 3.00;
  2. Evidence of four years of full-time teaching experience in a PK–12 setting;
  3. Completion of at least 36 hours (equivalent to 3 credits) of a special education course, completed within ten years1;
  4. A record of excellent teaching as evidenced by recommendations of supervisors;
  5. Satisfactory writing skills as evidenced by a written essay; and
  6. Satisfactory leadership dispositions and a professional maturity to meet the demands of the program as evidenced during a formal interview.

1Applicants who have not met the special education requirement may be admitted on the condition that they enroll in a state-approved course.


To remain in the program, students must maintain academic standards and honor and follow Connecticut’s Code of Professional Responsibilities for Teachers in all interactions in the schools. Students must maintain a 3.00 GPA for graduate courses in each semester with at least a B- or better in any leadership course. A grade of C+ or below in any program course requires the student to retake the course and earn a minimum of B-. If a student fails to maintain the minimum GPA, that student may be allowed to remain in the program for a single semester with probationary status. If a student on probation fails to meet the minimum GPA by the end of the single probationary semester, that student is dismissed from the program. Granting of probationary status is subject to the dean’s approval and is neither automatic nor guaranteed. Students failing to meet professional standards in the program may be subject to suspension or dismissal.


To fulfill all requirements of the Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership program, students must complete all coursework, including the internship, and successfully complete all performance tasks including passing the Connecticut Administrator Test.   

The School of Education is fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The U.S. Department of Education recognizes CAEP as a specialized accrediting body for schools, colleges and departments of education.

The program is fully accredited by the Connecticut State Department of Education, which participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Contract.