STR 610. Business Sustainability.3 Credits.
This course provides students with a comprehensive conceptual and applied understanding of the sustainability challenges and opportunities facing corporations on a global scale, with primary emphasis on environmental sustainability. Students are exposed to a variety of pressing sustainability issues and to frameworks, techniques and approaches for successfully dealing with them.
Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed
STR 620. Technology and Innovation Management.3 Credits.
Technology and innovation have become key resources for corporate profitability and competitive advantage in firms. Managed properly, technological innovations are a primary source of competitive advantage for firms. This course explores the strategic role of technology and innovation in the success of firms. Classroom learning is facilitated primarily through case analyses.
Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed
STR 630. Corporate Governance and Strategy.3 Credits.
Corporate governance deals with the complex set of relationships between the corporation and its stakeholders. This course emphasizes governance issues in publicly traded companies and addresses the roles and responsibilities of managers, the board of directors, shareholders and others. Governance best practices as well as governance legal and ethical violations are discussed. Important government regulations including Sarbannes-Oxley are covered.
Prerequisites: None
Offered: As needed