EDL 601. Leading and Managing the Contemporary School.6 Credits.

Introduction to leadership, management theories and concepts and how school leaders apply them to address problems and issues facing schools today. Case studies focus on the development and analysis of school policies, practices and resources related to contemporary educational issues such as social justice, diversity, student wellness and equity and the leadership and management styles required to implement them. The course includes a field-based experience involving the analysis of successful school leadership and district policies, practices and resources related to closing one or more identified opportunity gaps.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year

EDL 603. Leading and Managing the Instructional Program for Equitable Outcomes.6 Credits.

Explored through the lens of equitable outcomes, this course is an examination of contemporary, standards-based curriculum designs,teaching/learning/assessment models and the leadership processes directed toward developing, implementing and supervising instructional programs to improve student learning. The course includes a ?eld-based experience involving a curriculum audit, a formal classroom supervision, an analysis of state generated assessment data and accountability reports, and an overview of the school's technology program. It culminates in recommendations for program improvement that are attentive to differential outcomes for historically undeserved students.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year

EDL 605. Leading and Managing School Improvement.6 Credits.

The course provices an analysis of the characteristics of effective schools and the leadership theories and concepts related to the change process. Emphasis of the course is on the application of these theories and concepts to the practice of improving the work of the school and the achievement of all students. Case studies focus on analysis of schools in need of improvement, the specific issues facing the schools, data analysis techniques, effective leadership practices, strategic planning, financing improvident plans and evaluation processes. The course includes a field-based project where students collect and analyze the data for improvement efforts of a school that has successfully increased achievement over time.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year

EDL 607. Administrative Internship in Educational Leadership.3 Credits.

This course is a field-based administrative experience requiring the intern to assume a leadership role and authentically apply of the Connecticut Standards for Educational Leaders. The intern applies a systems perspective theory of action to strategic and equity planning. The intern builds a cultural competency with an emphasis on promoting equitable learning experiences in student-centered environments. The internship is planned, guided and evaluated by the student, the university supervisor and the field site mentor, who is a licensed practicing administrator. The course culminates in the development of an electronic portfolio, which represents the work during the internship.

Prerequisites: Take EDL 601, EDL 603, EDL 605.
Offered: Every year

EDL 609. Educational Program Evaluation.3 Credits.

This course provides an introduction to the concepts and approaches in educational program planning and evaluation with an emphasis on the responsibilities of school leaders to use program evaluation to improve teaching and learning. The interpretation of data collected through the program evaluation process is emphasized so that decisions may be made to continue, restructure or terminate educational programs. Case studies focus on critiquing program evaluations and students are required to plan and conduct an assessment of an educational program in their school or district. This courses is offered in the Summer II session.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

EDL 611. Educational Law.3 Credits.

This course provides a practical analysis of constitutional law, federal and state statutes, regulations, case studies and executive agency opinions related to the rights of students and school employees. Emphasis is on the basic principles of school law and the responsibilities of teachers and administrators. Case studies focus on legal claims brought to before U.S. courts by students, parents, teachers, administrators and the public. This course is offered in the Summer II term.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

EDL 613. Public School Finance.3 Credits.

This course provides a comprehensive, detailed overview of the budget development resource allocation processes derived from the planning guidelines associated with school financial operations. Theoretical and practical treatments of the budget process are examined, with a focus on the budget as a tool to accomplish school goals. Case studies and practical exercises focus on how schools can utilize the budgeting process and both competitive and entitlement grants to reallocate and manage resources to improve educational programs and student learning. This course is offered in the Summer I term.

Prerequisites: None
Offered: Every year, Summer

EDL 615. Conflict Resolution and Transformational Leadership.3 Credits.

This course introduces theories and applied strategies of conflict resolution through the lens of becoming a transformational leader. The course will focus on the multiple constituencies served by the contemporary educational leader: families, colleagues, students, staff, boards of education, and broader communities, and how conflict resolution applies in such varying contexts. Focus on modes of communication, both written and oral, enhancing listening skills and providing opportunities for transformation through building supportive communities will be highlighted.

Prerequisites: Take EDL 601.
Offered: Every year, Summer

EDL 700. Connecticut Administrators Test.0 Credits.

Prerequisites: Take EDL 601 EDL 603 EDL 605.