Program Contact: Xi Chen 203-582-6408

Through a minor in sociology, you’ll explore the diverse communities and social groups that make up our society, and also examine the many factors influencing their behaviors—from work opportunities and educational attainment to healthcare availability, law enforcement policies and pop-culture trends. You’ll understand how factors such as these determine social relationships and organization and learn how various economic and political forces affect the creation of social legislation and the availability of resources.

You will choose from a variety of elective courses that enable you to focus the minor on topics that not only align with your academic interests and career goals but also broaden your perspective in your chosen field. Courses in family dynamics, gender, race, immigration and deviance complement many majors. The ability to examine broader social trends and apply observations in everyday interactions is a crucial skill for social workers, healthcare providers, members of law enforcement and educators at all levels. 

To complete the minor, students must complete 18 credits in Sociology.

A student majoring in gerontology can minor in sociology. Courses taken for a minor may not count toward a GT major. Courses for a GT major may not count toward an SO minor.