Program Contact: Lisa Kaplan   203-582-3588

Biology forms the foundation of a diverse array of fields, from zoology and botany to veterinary medicine and genetics. What’s exciting about this minor is that you’ll have a tremendous amount of control over the direction your experience takes. With an adviser from the Department of Biological Sciences, you’ll chart your own path through the curriculum, choosing from a range of courses that fit your interests and your career ambitions. You'll have the flexibility to choose electives that broaden your knowledge and understanding of biology, or focus on a specific area of interest, such as ecology or physiology. Our biology minor is a perfect complement to any major including those in the other sciences and related fields, such as chemistry and engineering.

To complete the minor, students must complete at least 20 credits in Biology, at least twelve of which must be at the 200 level or higher. At least one BIO course used to satisfy the minor requirements must be classified as an open, unrestricted or free elective course on the student's Academic Evaluation. At least one-half of the credits needed for a minor must be taken at Quinnipiac and conform to all other university requirements for minors. A minimum grade of C- must be achieved in all courses for the minor with an overall minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.

Students who wish to minor in biology are required to consult with the adviser to biology minors within the Biology Department to design a minor that best meets their needs.